Łukasz Franek

CEO of Krakow's Public Transport Authority
Łukasz Franek is a CEO of the Public Transport Authority in Krakow (ZTP) for more than four years, previously Deputy Director of the Road and Transport Authority in Krakow for almost three years. He heads the unit responsible for managing mobility in the city, and in terms of public transport also in the metropolitan area.
Board member of EMTA (European Metropolitan Transport Authorities), Europe's largest organization of metropolitan transport authorities.
Graduate of the Krakow University of Technology, then a researcher at the University, where for ten years he coordinated international and national projects on the topic of sustainable mobility, as well as developing his own scientific research in the field of mobility management and traffic safety of vulnerable participants. He is the author or co-author of numerous publications, including transportation systems strategies for Polish cities, public transportation management, mobility plans, carsharing and bikesharing systems, as well as parking zones, limited traffic and limited traffic emissions (Clean Transportation Zones).
Technology behind Public Transport Organization
Public transportation in urban areas is a key alternative to car travel, which is unwanted due to noise, lack of public space for parking and air pollution.
However, for younger generations, it has become too inflexible, not enough digital, time wasting and simply mismatched with current expectations. Fortunately, tools and capabilities have emerged that can help match what customers really want. I will try to present some examples of these.